【YoshiKawasakixxx】Toy Dog


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It’s playtime for Yoshi and obedient pup Hiro. On the table lies the pup’s favorite toys, a tiny basketball and a shiny metal anal spreader, plus some lube to add to the fun. Hiro kneels before his master, Yoshi teasing the pup’s ass with the sole and toe of his high-top. He leans forward to spray a gob of spit on Hiro’s open hole, then buries his face in the horny pup’s crack. Drizzling a stream of thick lube, he slicks Hiro’s butt and works in his fingers, then a fist.

Time for a toy? Yoshi pops in the little basketball and watches Hiro swallow it down his ravenous hole. Hiro squeezes out the ball, then his juicy rosebud for Yoshi to lick and play with. Their last toy is the shiny steel spreader. Yoshi expands each bent prong twisting its wingnut, rises to his feet to shoot a hot stream of piss into the open pit of Hiro’s ass.


